There are two email accounts for all AACC employees. One is the which is referred to as the 'student' or 'instructional' email. The other one is the which is referred to as the 'employee' or 'administrative' email account.
- 100 gb mailboxes
- Message size limits - 150 mb
- File attachment size limit - 50 mb (OWA 35 mb)
Both email accounts can be accessed by going to Additionally, email can be access from the MyAACC portal.
How do I access my Administrative (Employee) Email?
- Select MyAACC from the homepage.

Or navigate directly to
- Sign in with your AACC Employee Email Address and Select Next. Enter your Password on the next page.
- All employee email addresses use the following format:

- Select an option on the Email and Calendar card.

Outlook Desktop Application
The Outlook desktop application on your college issued device does not require any configuration. However, if you would like to use Outlook on your personal Windows device, follow these instructions:
- Open Outlook.
- Select Next on the Welcome screen. The Microsoft Outlook Account Setup dialog box will open. If this is not your first time setting up a mailbox with Outlook, select File, Account Settings, New.
- In Add an Email Account, select Yes and then click Next. The Add Account dialog box will open.
- In Add Account, enter the following information:
- Your First and Last name
- Your (administrative email) address
- Your password
- Retype your password for confirmation and click Next.
- While Outlook is setting up your account, you will be prompted to:
- Enter your (administrative email) address and password.
- Select the Remember my credentials check box and select OK.
- The restart Microsoft Outlook dialog box will appear. Click OK.
Forward your @mymail to your Account
Generally, mail forwards are a security risk and violates AACC's Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Procedure. However, employees may elect to forward their student email account to their employee account.
1. Sign into your @mymail account (see article).
2. Select the Settings gear and type Forwarding into the search box.

3. Enter your @aacc email address into the Forward my email to box and select Save.

If the account opens after entering the address, then you are probably already signed into another online service that uses your student account for authentication. Sign out of the account and try again, OR use a completely different browser. In addition, you may need to clear your browser's cache. This can be done in most browsers by navigating to "settings" > "privacy and security" >"clear browsing data/history". "Cookies and other site data" is the "cache" that needs to be cleared. Some browsers may require they be closed and reopened to "reset" them after clearing the cache. Clearing cache.
If you're still having trouble accessing your administrative email, please contact the Technical Service Desk or submit a request using the Help with Email service offering.