
What Is This Service?

Qualtrics is a web-based application that allows users to create surveys and generate reports. 

Where Can I Get It?

The Planning, Research and Institutional Assessment Office (PRIA) at AACC has a divisional license for Qualtrics.  Administrative offices within the Division of Learning may request a department license to use Qualtrics. 

Submit the following form to request a Qualtrics account: Survey Request Form

If you're having problems with Qualtrics, select a button on this page to request assistance.  

Additional Information

The PRIA office has resources on their Intranet site related to Qualtrics.  Employees can sign into MyAACC and select Intranet > PRIA-Research and Institutional Assessment. F


Request Help with Qualtrics Report a Problem with Qualtrics

Service Offerings (2)

Help with Qualtrics
Request help with Qualtrics survey software, function, or assistance accessing Qualtrics.
Problem with Qualtrics
Report a problem with a Qualtrics software, function, or a problem accessing Qualtrics.