Course Design

What Is This Service?

Instructional Designers support a team approach to course design and development. In the team approach, Faculty Content Developers (FCD) work in collaboration with Instructional Designers (ID) to integrate quality standards with a focus on improving the student experience.

Where Can I Get It?

Select the Request Course Design button on this page, or view the Service Offering(s) listed on this page. 

Additional Information

Select the Request Course Design button on this page to get started.  A brief outline below summarizes the course design process.

Course Design & Development Process:

  1. Identify Course - Departments select a course that needs a course design or structure and will impact the most students.
  2. Department and Instructional Designer - Departments identify faculty to collaborate with Instructional Designers.
  3. Guided Process - Instructional Designers follow a systematic approach to support faculty in the course design process.
  4. Required initial meeting with Instructional Designer and faculty to discuss Course Blueprint and Course Alignment Map and overall design process. A link to Bookings is provided to the faculty to schedule the meeting. 
  5. Review Template Options - The course template option is flexible and can be customized for the department.
  6. Once the Course Blueprint and Course Alignment Map are complete the DVLP course shell is requested. The ID or faculty develop the first module and review for feedback, ensuring quality and accessibility standards are met.
  7. Support and Resources - During the design process resources are available such as customized course graphics, library content, accessibility standards, multimedia & video.
  8. Share Course - After the course is ready in Canvas it can be shared with faculty and adjunct faculty in the department.


Request Course Design

Service Offerings (1)

Course Design & Development Request
Submit a request for the design & development of a traditional course into an online or hybrid format or for a major redesign of an existing online or hybrid course. All courses must meet Q-CAR Standards and fulfill academic department/division objectives.