Teams External (guest) Access

What Is This Service?

The IIT security team rates the data stored in Teams as high risk because it may contain confidential information. Allowing guest users increases the risk that confidential information may be shared with unauthorized persons. To reduce this risk, we require approval from the appropriate supervisor prior to allowing the guest members to be added to the Team.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Faculty and Staff. 

Where Can I Get It?

Select the Request External Teams Access button on this page. 

How Do I Use It?

Submit the form including all required fields.  Once your request is received, IIT will seek approval from your supervisor. Upon approval, access will be granted. 

Please note that AACC Adjunct Faculty have AACC accounts and should be added to any AACC Team using their AACC account/email and not as a guest using their personal or other non-AACC email. You should find a match by searching for their name.