What are Canvas Global Announcements?
Canvas Global Announcements offer brief and timely information about AACC issues and opportunities relevant to the entire campus community within the Canvas Dashboard. Announcements should focus on the academic or administrative functions of the college. Announcements and notifications are only sent to users with active enrollments in the current term. Users may dismiss Announcements by clicking the “x” in the top right corner.

Guidelines for Writing a Canvas Announcement
How should the announcement be written?
- The wording of announcements at the global level should be clear, specific, and jargon-free.
- The text of your announcement should be brief and to the point. Text announcements should not exceed 500 characters, if they do, then it may be worth considering an alternative method of communication (such as mass email, or a link for more information.)
- Images should only be used if required, and if so, must be accessible. They should include a text description clearly describing the image.
- Any images should be large enough to be understood on a wide variety of devices, but not so tall that they disrupt the dashboard. At the current time we recommend a maximum height of 432px.
Example of 1100 x 330 pixels

Example of 737 x 442 pixels

To whom should the announcement be targeted?
- For global announcements you may target the entire college community or limit it to just teachers or students. Topics should be relevant to a wide audience, for example enrollment information, job fairs and so on.
- If the target of your announcement is more granular than either of the above scenarios allow, then announcements may not be the right tool for you.
How does the process work?
- Announcement requests are filled first-come, first-served. You are encouraged to submit your announcement as early as possible to reserve a spot. There will be no more than 3 global announcements running simultaneously.
- Users stop reading if the announcements stay up too long or take up too much space on the dashboard. Announcements will run for no more than two weeks. Dates may be adjusted to accommodate your announcement. If your announcement cannot be shifted at all, please let us know in the notes area. You may request that the announcement be repeated.
- If you prefer a global event populated on the Canvas Calendar for students, indicate that in the notes.
- The Canvas Announcement request form must be submitted 48 hours (about 2 days) prior to the requested postdate.
- Announcements may be amended or declined, as necessary.
Where Can I Get It?
Select the Request Canvas Announcement button on this page and provide the required information.
How Do I Use It?
Your request for a Canvas announcement will be reviewed by a member of the IDEA Lab team. The IDEA Lab will reach out if more information is needed and to provide announcement approval/rejection notification.