Schedule an Advising Appointment


Advising is an essential aspect of registration in which a student is assisted in selecting, changing, adding, or canceling classes. Academic advising is imperative to student growth and success. This article will guide a student on how to connect with advising at AACC.


Where in MyAACC portal do I schedule Advising?

1. Log into the MyAACC Portal. Navigate to the card labeled Virtual Advising Center and click on Enroll in Virtual Advising Center

Picture of the card in MyAACC with an orange button that says Virtual Advising Center


2. Select Enroll in Course.

Click on Go to the course


3. Select Appointment Scheduling under the Connect with an Advisor heading.

Red arrow pointing to a button that says Appointment Scheduling


4. Select your field of interest from one of the available options. 

image showing the different fields of interest students can choose from


5. From the list of advisors for your program under the Meet the Team heading, identify the person who is responsible for students with the first letter of your last name. Select See Profile under that person's profile.

Image showing the screen where you select which advisor you are assigned to is


6. Under the Connect with Your Advisor heading, select the manner in which you would like to meet with your advisor; Virual Appointments, scheduled In-Person Appointments, or Drop-In Advising.

image depicting 3 buttons for selecting what type of Advising Appointment you want to set up


7. Select your meeting date and time from the options available, and fill out all the necessary personal information. Once that is done, select the button that says Book at the bottom of the page.

Image depicting the page you need to fill out to schedule your appointment


Unable to access Canvas?

If you receive an error message stating that Canvas does not have an account for you, call the Technical Service Desk at 410-777-4357.

Still have Questions? Contact the Advising Office.



Call: 410-777-2307

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The MyAACC portal is secure website that contains information for AACC faculty, staff and students. There are two portals, one for faculty and staff, and one for students.