One Drive Frequently Asked Questions

Tags OneDrive faq

AACC implemented OneDrive, Microsoft Office 365 cloud in March 2019. Microsoft uses OneDrive for multiple purposes that may be confusing. 

As with all technologies, there are benefits and there are disadvantages to be considered in weighing the risk of implementing the technology. The loss of control and lack of adequate
security for files in cloud storage are major disadvantages. Therefore, additional policies and procedures are required to reduce the risk to college information, when information is stored in
the Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud.

Benefits of OneDrive for Business:

  • 1 TB of Cloud storage per account
  • Easy access to information with any device, using a browser or application client
  • Organize data with Microsoft tools
  • Microsoft Office online to modify files within the browser
  • Integration of Office products with Office 365 applications
  • Enhanced integration of Windows 10 with OneDrive for Business
  • Canvas integrated with OneDrive
  • Ability to share folders and files. The owner of the OneDrive folder explicitly grants privileges to view or edit selected files or all files in a folder.

Guidance for using OneDrive:

  1. Limit Confidential and Sensitive information (as defined by the Red Flags policy).
  2. A Sensitivity Label that identifies the type of information in the file should be used.
  3. If information is sensitive, but not prohibited by the Red Flags policy, then the document should be labeled and encrypted.
  4. A group or team is recommended to collaborate with others, but files stored in OneDrive can be shared with individuals that have an AACC network account. Folders and files should not be shared with others. Folders and files cannot be shared with individuals outside of the college.
  5. Folders can be shared between an individual’s multiple accounts – administrative ( and instructional ( Files stored in a shared folder can be
    accessed by both accounts.
  6. When configuring the OneDrive client to access multiple Microsoft Office 365 cloud instances, different synchronization folders on the computer must be used.
  7. There is no backup of files in Microsoft Office 365, but files can be recovered up to 30 days after deletion. Therefore, if a backup is desired then home directory file storage
    should be used.
  8. Files stored in any cloud have greater risk of being viewed, if a person’s account is compromised. The risk has been minimized for faculty and staff by only having email in
    the cloud. By having files stored in OneDrive, a hacker will have access to more information, if the account is compromised. 
  9. If there are any questions on using OneDrive, please contact the Technical Service Desk. 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What else is installed with OneDrive?


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