What Is This Service?
IIT provides Outlook Group Calendars for faculty and staff. Owners of crated calendars are fully responsible for overall management of their calendars.
Who Is Eligible to Use It?
All employees can request group calendars. IIT will seek approval from the employee's supervisor prior to creating the group calendar.
Where Can I Get It?
Select the button Request a New Group Calendar on this page to begin the process.
How Do I Use It?
When requesting a new group calendar, make sure you provide the following information:
- Name of calendar
- Names of Owners (all calendars should have at least 2 owners identified)
- Members to be added to calendar
- All employees (fac/staff)
- Specific division, department, or group
- existing distribution list or list of emails .xls or .csv to facilitate initial population of members
- owners responsible for maintaining members once calendar established
After your group calendar has been created, follow these instructions to access the group calendar.