If you're experiencing a problem where you log into another school school or Microsoft email when trying to access your AACC student email, follow the steps below for troubleshooting.
This happens when if you don't sign out of the other institution's email or if your browser is holding onto settings from your previous session.
- Log into your email and select your initials (or picture) in the top right.

- It should show the other institution's email below your name.

- Select Sign out.

- Once you are logged out, enter the following web address in the address bar at the top of your browser: outlook.office.com.

- On this log in screen enter your full email address (username@mymail.aacc.edu for students and username@aacc.edu for Faculty/Staff) and password.

- Once logged in, select your initials or profile picture at the top right again and make sure the correct email address is showing.
Still have questions? Contact the Technical Service Desk or complete a service offering request on the Outlook Email services page.