How to Turn Focused Inbox On for Outlook Web App (OWA)


Focused Inbox sorts your email to help you focus on what matters most. It separates your inbox into two tabs focused and Other. Your most important messages appear on the Focused tab, and the rest are moved to the Other tab.

 Using the Settings Option

1. To access your email via OWA, go to or access your email from MyAACC.

2. At the login page, enter your email ( or and password.

3. In Settings (gear icon), select Layout.

Outlook settings 

4. Under Focused Inbox, select Sort messages into Focused and Other

Outlook display settings

5. Select Save

6. The Focused and Other tabs will appear at the top of your mailbox. You will be informed about email flowing to Other, and you can switch between tabs any time to take a quick look.

Change How Your Messages get Organized

1. From your inbox, select the Focused or Other tab, and then right-click the message you want to move.

2. If moving from Focused to Other,

   a. Choose Move to Other if you want only the selected message moved.

   b. Choose Always Move to Other if you want all future messages from the sender to be delivered to the Other tab.

Focused mailbox settings 3. If moving from Other to Focused,

    a. Choose Move to Focused if you want only the selected message moved.

    b. Choose Always Move to Focused if you want all future messages from the sender to be delivered to the Focused tab

Focused inbox settings


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