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Multifactor authentication (MFA) is now required for faculty and staff to access Microsoft 365 services.  This includes Email, OneDrive, Teams, Office Suite, Forms, Bookings, and other Microsoft applications. After successfully setting up MFA, follow the instructions below to use MFA when signing in.
Multifactor authentication (MFA) is now required for faculty and staff to access Microsoft 365 services.  This includes Email, OneDrive, Teams, Office Suite, Forms, Bookings, and other Microsoft applications. The following instructions should be used by AACC employees to set up multifactor authentication that have not previously set up or used MFA.
If your account has been identified as using legacy email protocols, you will need to follow the instructions below to update your mobile device prior to MFA being enabled for your account.  Your account is likely using legacy email protocols if it was configured manually.  Follow the instructions below to remove and re-add your account to your device.