If you’re interested in taking a class or series of classes for personal enrichment, career development or certifications that don’t involve college credit, you are a noncredit student. Noncredit students don’t need to apply for admission to AACC. Just choose your course, register and make your payment. Follow the instructions here to register for a noncredit course.
There are several ways to access the Noncredit Registration System.
The following instructions detail how to access and register using the course search on AACC.edu.
1. Search for the course you would like to register for using the COURSE SEARCH on AACC.edu. Enter the course ID (ex. PRL-503), then click on the COURSE TITLE.

2. Click on NEXT STEPS on the section in course search.

3. Choose your section preference, then select ADD TO CART.

4. To add another class, select KEEP SHOPPING. When finished, select CHECKOUT. Be sure to select your registration fee, In County or Out of County or Out of State.

5. If you have an AACC username and account, select the first option, I HAVE AN ACCOUNT ALREADY. If you have a temporary account, enter your temporary login information in I HAVE A TEMPORARY ACCOUNT. If you are a new user and do not have an AACC account or temporary account, enter your email under the I AM A NEW USER area.*
Scroll down to the section titled Senior Cycle Registration Steps for programs that require a membership fee.

* Note - if your email address is found in our system, you will receive an error message. Log in with your AACC username and password.
6. Enter your, name, address, email, phone, etc.
7. Read the ACCOUNT CREATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and check the boxes.

8. Review your PROFILE SUMMARY and make any changes if necessary. Then, select CREDIT CARD for your payment method, and review and check the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

9. Enter your CREDIT CARD information. Then you will be shown a receipt that you can choose to print or email.

Call 410-777-2325 or email ISCENTER@AACC.EDU
Already have an account and don't remember your password? View the instructions for Resetting a Forgotten Password.
Senior Cycle Registration Steps
Some programs have a required membership fee that must be submitted before you can register in the class. AACC’s Senior program requires students to pay a Senior Cycle Fee once per quarter. Below are the steps on completing this process.
1. To add the membership fee, click the Start button. The next page will either show the form to be completed or the membership fee
to be submitted to the visitor’s shopping cart.*
*Note: The Senior Cycle fee will be attached to the first class that you register for during the term.

2. Click the orange Submit button shown at the bottom of the page.

3. A yellow Notice banner will appear at the top of the page to indicate that the membership fee has been added to the shopping cart. Then click the orange Continue Checkout button to proceed to the Payment page.

4. After selecting Continue Checkout, you will be taken directly to the Payment page after signing into your MyAACC account or creating a temporary account. From here proceed to Step 5 (above) in the Registration Instructions.

Registration Fee Error
Leaving a course in your shopping cart without checking out can cause an error with registration fees. If you return to your shopping cart, you may be unable to uncheck Registration Fee options.

Simply select Save for Later on the desired course, and then select Add To Cart to select the appropriate Registration Fee.

Still have questions?
For assistance resetting your MyAACC password to register for a noncredit course, follow the instructions here: Reset your MyAACC Account Password
For additional information regarding a noncredit course, contact the Instructional Support Center:
To submit a service request or report a problem regarding the Noncredit Registration System (Destiny One), complete a service offering on this page.